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  • Writer's pictureEliza

An Elf Comes Calling

Have you been sucked into the joy and burden that is Elf on the Shelf? If not, let me explain. A small toy elf appears one day in your house. Normally for the organised among us it is the 1st December but realisitcally its whenever you remember about him sitting there in the garage. Each night he gets himself into some kind of bother ready for the child(ren) to discover the next morning. It is fun and I enjoy how it forces me to be creative and do something out of the ordinary. I also enjoy their faces finding out what he has been doing and how their responses differ or are similar to what I had imagined.


Coming up with all those different ideas each day has led to many a search on pinterest, google and similar. I thought that, in the interests of preserving your sanity, a daily Elf ideas sheet may be useful. Also as a reminder to myself next year of the possible options I have for our little houseguest.

Please also be aware that some parents have used the Elf as an opportunity to threaten and bribe good behaviour from children. We absolutely do not subscribe to this way of using the Elf on the Shelf. Our Elf is a kind elf who sometimes gets in a pickle. He isn't watching the children, he isn't checking up on them. This is about fun not manipulation.

The countdown

What to do...

Day 1

Elf, mini suitcase and hello note arrives.

Day 2

Elfy gets tangled in the fairylights - hanging from the ceiling. Its a tough life!

Day 3

Elfy gets caught short and has to use the toddlers potty. Sprinkles in the bottom and a little newspaper in his hands.

Day 4

Tiny duck dingy in the sink. This one was a huge hit with the children.

Day 5

A mysterious sprinkle of flour with elf angel in has appeared in the kitchen. Contained on a tray for easy clean up later.

Day 6

Elf is sitting at the table and has a chocolate coin laid out in everyone's space.

Day 7

Elf has decorated the Chirstmas tree with pants and knickers!

Day 8

Elf goes on a string zipline across a room.

Day 9

Elf tries to help wrap presents but endsup wrapping up himself.

Day 10

Elfy does some baking with this dolls house kit.

Day 11

Cocktail stick and mini marshmallow over a tealight. Elf knows how to cosy up!

Day 12

'Elfies'. Elf has taken some selfies which have been printed out.

Day 13

Elf has a letter template for children to write to Father Christmas.

Day 14

Elf borrows the dolls outfits for a fashion show with other toys.

Day 15

Elf has a go at making breakfast for everyone and lays the breakfast table. Add in some sprinkles for a bit of fun.

Day 16

Elf leave a toothpaste message on the bathroom mirror.

Day 17

Elf makes tiny doughnuts - Cheerios with icing on top.

Day 18

Elf has a tea party with his other toy friends. Tea cups, saucers and sprinkles.

Day 19

Toilet paper capers. Elf is inside a roll of toilet paper which has unravelled around the house.

Day 20

Elf starts a noughts and crosses game for the children to add their go to.

Day 21

Elf gets busy studying with these mini books. Add some glasses made from a paperclip if you find you have the energy that evening!

Day 22

Elf goes fishing for tin foil fish in the sink. Rod made from a pencil and piece of string.

Day 23

Elf is getting the house ready for Christmas wth this little cleaning set.

Day 24

Elf gets a glass, plate and carrot ready to leave out for Father Christmas.

Day 25

Suitcase and thank you note. See you next year. Make sure the children are able to say goodbye properly. They may have begun to build an attachments and this needs a thoughtful goodbye.

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